Micki Tschur “Ten
Year Turkey”
Opening reception Wed
November 26, 5-9pm
November 26 – December 20, 2003
gallery hours: Saturdays 12-5pm
Three Split 971 w 18th Street Chicago IL 60608
tel 312 733
2264 http://seventhreesplit.org
50legal at seventhreesplit.org

Seven Three Split presents Micki Tschur’s "Ten Years Turkey" exhibition,
wrapping up a ten-year taxidermy turkey projects. It began a
decade ago while Tschur was living in Chicago and beginning an
interest in taxidermy.
“I began to notice road killed animals which I would stuff and place in
odd poses that I thought could somehow mean something.”
As her taxadermic interests budded, she turned to turkeys with “a
desire to utilize the bird more extensively.”
Tschur's two-phase process which she's named “double stuffing” consists
of eating the bird as well as removing its skin in preparation
for the Thanksgiving taxidermy centerpiece. Each year has taken
on a different theme and style of cooking which Tschur has documented. “Over the years the turkey's themes have reflected
events of my life, like year four, ‘the tripped turkey’ was
about going ‘cold turkey’ or
the 'three-in-one-bird', which I made after gave birth to my first
Her work is less of focused on specific conceptual notions and
more on the process of pursuing her interests, going about her
life. The documents (photographs, posters, stuffed turkeys, film,
and texts) serve to highlight her investigative problem solving
Come see the birds in all their forms:
1. Turkey on a swing 2. Turkey Marionette 3. Turkey Bowl
4. Tripped Turkey 5. Turkey Ball 6. Turkey on a Log
7. Three-in-one Turkey 8. Rubber Turkey 9. Turkey Lamp
10. Flying
Turkey will be served at the opening “the normal American way”:
Micki Tschur is a graduate of the university of Illinois MFA program
and has studied as a guest student in Frankfurt, Germany with Hermann
Nitsch. Locally she has exhibited at the Hyde Park Art Center and
Museum of Surgical Science. She has also exhibited extensively
throughout Germany and the UK: Schirn Kunsthalle, (Frankfurt) Don't
Miss, (Frankfurt), Ausstellungshalle 1A, (Frankfurt) and Five Years